1400 courses sold in 7 days with 47% conversion rate using Easycart

Discover how ‘Filmowanie w pionie’ sold 1400 courses in just 7 days with a 47% conversion rate using Easycart. Learn about the seamless, no-code setup that made it all possible and the key features that drove this success.

1400 courses sold in 7 days with 47% conversion rate using Easycart1400 courses sold in 7 days with 47% conversion rate using Easycart


conversion rate


courses sold


of configuration

47% conversion rate

We sold 1400 courses in the firs week with an exceptional 47% conversion rate in the checkout. This is something that I experienced for the first time in e-commerce. Huge thanks to Easytools for making this possible.
Maciej Wisniewski

Maciej Wisniewski

Design & No-Code Expert

1400 courses sold in 7 days with 47% conversion rate

'Filmowanie w pionie' is a Polish online course that quickly took the internet by storm. Created by three experienced creators - Doris Maklewska, Dodo Knitter, and Globstory - and supported by Maciej Wiśniewski, this course became a runaway success. Maciej handled the website, course platform, and implemented Easycart for seamless payment processing.

A course that sells itself

In a world where creating reels and vertical videos is a hot trend, Doris Maklewska, Dodo Knitter, and Kaja Kraska (Globstory) decided to raise the bar. They crafted a course that stands out for its quality and depth.

Their combined expertise resulted in a 10-module course packed with over 6 hours of content. It's like a binge-worthy TV series that you just can't put down. By the end, participants master recording, editing, storytelling, and personal branding.

The result? Within just 7 days of launch, 1400 eager learners had signed up.

100% no-code magic

Selling a course isn't a walk in the park. Thankfully, Maciej Wiśniewski took care of the tech side. He set up the website, course platform, and automated customer handling. With his UX/UI background, Maciej made sure the user experience was top-notch from start to finish.

"User experiences are super crucial for me. The classic e-commerce approach doesn't work well for digital products. An unnecessarily lengthy purchasing process - why add to the cart when buying only one product? Why provide an address and postal code when we assign access via email? Small things, yet I've myself more than once abandoned purchases due to the need to provide unnecessary data." - Maciej Wiśniewski

That's why he chose Easycart for payment processing.

Given the buzz around the course, they expected heavy traffic on launch day and throughout the first week, thanks to a special launch offer with a discounted price. They needed a solution that could handle the load without a hitch. Easycart rose to the occasion, processing payments smoothly even during peak times.

Since the course targets Polish audiences with varying tech skills, it was crucial for the interface, including the shopping cart and communication, to be available in Polish. Easycart delivered exactly that.

Among the Easycart features that Maciej and the course authors particularly appreciated were:

  • Login wall - access protection only for buyers
  • Built-in automation - automatic addition of buyers to MailerLite groups
  • Discounts and countdown timers for promotions
  • Gift purchase option
  • Micro-interactions enhancing user experience

“Not having to create logins and manually manage users was the top reason we chose Easycart for selling our course.” - Maciej Wiśniewski

Using these features, Maciej saved both time and money. The built-in login wall meant no extra costs for securing course access.

On top of that, our cart ensured a seamless and convenient purchasing process. After payment, buyers landed directly on the course page, ready to dive in without searching for passwords. Easycart also simplifies refunds - users can get a full refund within 14 days.

47% conversion rate

In the first week, the course page saw tens of thousands of visitors, and 1400 of them made a purchase. Thanks to Webflow and Easycart, payments were processed smoothly, and the platform handled nearly 1.5k participants without a hitch. **With a checkout conversion rate of almost 47%, nearly every other person who added the course to their cart completed the purchase **- a rare feat in e-commerce.

"I chose Easycart because it simply works! It's quite obvious, although as it turns out, not always. All transactions were processed smoothly, even during the most intense sales moments. We are also very pleased with the sales conversion and how the purchasing process looked from the buyers' perspective. In my opinion, Easycart is currently the best tool for selling online courses." - Maciej Wiśniewski

To learn more about the 'Vertical Filmmaking' course, visit filmowaniewpionie.pl.

For more projects by Maciej Wiśniewski, visit mstudio.digital.


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