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Adding payment methods to your cart

Select the payment methods you want to display in your Easycart checkout and easily rearrange them to suit your preferences.

Last updated
March 14, 2025

Adding payment methods to your cart

By default, your cart will feature payments by card. To add more payment methods, simply:

  1. Go to Store โž” Settings
  2. Open the Payments tab
  3. In the Payment methods section toggle the methods you want to display
  4. Rearrange the methods as you like, by clicking them and dragging them up or down on the list

Check the list of payment methods we currently support, by clicking here.

How are payment methods displayed

  • For local payment methods specific to certain locations, Easycart uses an automated location mechanism based on:
    • Your customersโ€™ location (IP)
    • Currency in your checkout
  • For digital wallets, Apple Pay will be available when your customer uses Safari as their browser, while Google Pay will be available for Chrome users.
This means that if you want to add iDEAL to your checkout to satisfy your Dutch customers, the checkout currency must be set to EUR, and their IP address must indicate that they are located in the Netherlands.


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