Single payments
Learn about single payments on Easycart and use various handy options like displaying net prices and limiting product access.
Last updated
September 14, 2024
Single payments
Single payments are ideal for most digital products that are not offered on a subscription basis. You will likely choose this price type when selling an e-book or a one-time consultation. Single payments have the advantage of often being available with various payment methods, giving the customer the convenience of paying easily.
After the payment is processed, the product is assigned to the Customer portal on Easycart, and we send standard transactional emails. However, a one-time purchase can have several additional options that you can set in the price properties.

For example, these options include:
- Displaying the net price if most purchases are B2B transactions
- Removing access to the product after a specified period. For instance, you can sell a one-year access to a video course. After this period, the product will disappear from the Customer portal, and our Login Wall feature will prevent the customer from viewing the content
- Strikethrough pricing to highlight an ongoing promotion
- Upsell, allowing you to link to another price so the user can easily upgrade to a higher variant
- Allowing the purchase of multiple units if applicable to your product
- Limiting the number of units, meaning you can specify how many products you can sell. Once the limit is reached, the price will disappear from the checkout