Page title

Hidden variants

Hide specific price variants in the Easycart checkout and share them with select customers using custom links.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

You can easily hide a specific price variant in the checkout. This is a popular technique if you want to send a specific price to a closed group of customers but don't want others to see it in the checkout.

In Easycart, you can also generate links to a custom price, but this feature is more often used for testing products, services with changing prices, and typically sellers generate such a link for a single purchase. In contrast, a hidden variant can be sent en masse in an email to selected customers.
To create a hidden price:

  1. Create a new price variant in ProductPrice variants
  2. Select the Hide this variant in checkout option

To share a link to this hidden variant:

  1. Publish the product
  2. Click the Share button and select the hidden variant from the dropdown list
  3. Copy the prepared link
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