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Time limited offer

Drive immediate action with Time limited offer. Create scarcity to boost conversions and sales velocity.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

Easycart allows you to create time-limited offers—you can decide from which date your product will be available in the checkout and when the price should become invisible. You can also display a countdown timer indicating the time remaining until the offer ends.

If you specify the start date of availability, the price will remain hidden until that date. This option is useful if you want to launch a product on a specific date or if you are selling product variants that follow one another—for example, offering early-bird tickets first, followed by regular-priced tickets.

To specify the start and end of availability for the entire checkout:

  1. Go to the Product tab, then Basic.
  2. Navigate to the Availability section.
  3. Set the start and/or end of availability by selecting dates and times.
  4. If you want to display a countdown timer, check the Show countdown timer option.
  5. Click Save.
If you set the start and/or end of availability in the Basic tab, it will apply to all added product variants.

To specify the start and end of availability for a selected variant:

  1. Go to the Product tab, then Price variants
  2. Select the variant for which you want to set availability.
  3. Navigate to the Availability section.
  4. Set the start and/or end of availability by selecting dates and times.
  5. If you want to display a countdown timer, check the Show countdown timer option.
  6. Click Save.
Setting an end date for availability is also useful for promotions—limiting the promotion time and displaying information about how long customers have to take advantage of the special offer can increase conversion rates by an average of 8%.

Hiding the product after the availability ends

After the specified time has passed, the selected product or its variant will automatically become invisible in the checkout and links.

If a promotion or time-limited offer ends while a user is in the checkout, two scenarios are possible. If they have selected the price for which the promotion ends, the page will reload (provided that the form is not being sent and the purchase process is not initiated). If they have selected another price, the one for which the promotion ends will be automatically hidden.

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