Page title

Pay what you want

Enable the pay-what-you-want option on Easycart, allowing customers to choose their price, with settings for suggested and minimum prices.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

You can add an option that allows your customers to set any price they want to pay for a product. This price appears as a variant, meaning you can create a product with just this one variant or one with several other prices and this variant as an additional option. This way, you can let the customer choose one of the predefined options or select a predefined value like a donation, but also leave the option for them to specify any amount they want to contribute.

To enable the "Pay what you want" option, simply select the appropriate price type during its creation:

After enabling this option, you can fill in additional settings, including:

  • Suggested price — Enter a suggested price in this field, which will be automatically filled in the variant. The user can change it. This field is mandatory.
  • Minimum price — If you want to prevent the product from being paid for less than a specified amount, enter this as the minimum price. If the user enters a price lower than the minimum, they will receive a message:

Also, fill in the Price description field to add appropriate context and information for the user, which will be displayed on the price tile.
You can also change the purchase button label to better suit your needs, for example, changing it to “Donate” or “Support.”

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