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Sharing checkout links

Learn how to share checkout links on Easycart, set link options, and create custom links for your customers.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

To share a checkout link, you first need to publish it. After clicking the Publish button in the upper right corner, options including the Share button will appear next to it:

After selecting the Share button, you can set the appropriate options for the link you generate.

The options are available in this order:

  • Choose whether you are generating a link for the entire checkout (all variants will be displayed) or just for a specific price variant. In the latter case, other variants will be hidden in the checkout.
  • For products with a one-time price, you can also select the Link to a custom price option, allowing you to create a specific price for this product. Only with this particular link will that price apply. For example, to test a purchase, you can set the price to 0, or if you want to reduce the price for someone without a promo code, you can do so. Other users will never see this price; it will only be available through the specific link.
  • The default Shorten link option generates a short link that is easy to share.
  • The Allow promo codes option will display a field in the checkout where a promo code can be entered. If unchecked, using a promo code will not be possible.
  • The Create affiliate link option allows you to generate a link with an affiliate tag, helping you track sales made by partners. This way, you can easily prepare a specific link for a partner with the product and other options and send it to them for distribution.
  • The Prefill checkout option lets you automatically fill in fields in the checkout, such as customer data, allowing the customer to complete the transaction faster. You can also apply a promo code directly to the checkout this way.

Finally, simply choose the Copy link option, and it will be copied to the clipboard. You can paste it anywhere using Cmd (Ctrl) + V. You can also use the icons on the left to generate a QR code that will be copied to the clipboard or preview the link.

You can use the QR code on a presentation slide, for example, so that people scanning it are taken directly to the checkout.

Although you can click through the shared links and their options in the sharing window, you can also create links manually using various parameters. It's very simple. Just add a specific parameter to the end of the link, for example, ?promo=1 to display the checkout with a field for entering a promo code. Below is a list of available options this way.

Remember one important thing. When creating a link, the first parameter you add should always be preceded by a ? sign, but subsequent parameters in the same link are always preceded by an & sign. For example:"

You can find methods for creating appropriate links this way in separate help materials.

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