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Payment plans

Maximize conversions with Payment plans. Break large purchases into manageable installments for easier customer decisions.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

As part of different price types, you can choose Subscription-based Installments, which simulate installment purchases. In the case of classic installments, such as those offered by PayPo available within Easycart, there are many limitations. These include amount limits, but also a much more complicated KYC process for customers, often requiring uploading photos of ID cards. Such complicated processes significantly reduce conversion rates.

If you know your customers and trust them, you can simulate installments this way, making the process very simple and identical to starting a subscription. The drawback of this solution is that you don't receive the full amount upfront, but you also take on the responsibility of collecting subsequent payments. In the case of installments, this happens automatically.

After providing card details, the first payment is collected, and subsequent ones are collected according to the established subscription and renewal period.

This type of installment requires enabling:

  • The Automatic cancellation option, because after the declared number of cycles (collected installments), you want to stop further collections
  • Additionally, the Maintain access after expiration option is usually active in such a situation, which means that after paying off the installments, the customer retains access to the product (it is visible in the Customer Portal and the Login Wall function allows access to the content)
  • You can also decide whether you want to give the option to cancel the subscription during its duration. Then the customer will be able to decide to stop paying even in a situation where the number of cycles to cancel has not yet been completed. Generally, to counteract such a scenario, the possibility of early cancellation in the case of installments is disabled.

All necessary information is provided to the customer under the pay button, where, for example, information about the inability to cancel the subscription is displayed.

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