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Getting paid

Learn how Easytools uses Stripe for secure payments, giving you control over funds and flexibility in managing multiple currencies and payouts.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

As Easytools, we do not handle your funds at all. Payments for your digital products go directly to your Stripe account, which you control. This means there is absolutely no risk associated with using Easycart. All customers are yours, and payments are secure in your Stripe account, making it easy for you to switch to other solutions if you choose. Even the card addition form on the checkout page is directly embedded from Stripe to ensure we do not handle any sensitive data.

Therefore, your payouts and funds are entirely managed by the payment provider, in this case, Stripe. You can find and adjust the payout schedule and settings here.

Multiple currencies

Make sure to add the appropriate bank account linked to your primary currency. Stripe allows you to hold balances in different currencies and pay them out to different accounts, for example, EUR to one account and USD to another. In this way, receiving payments in these currencies accumulates the balance without any conversion.

If you do not add the currency in which you receive payments, it will automatically convert to your primary currency. This will occur at the rate you can view on this page.

Is it worth setting up different currency accounts and assigning them to various currencies on Stripe, or is it better to leave one primary currency for payouts and let the rest be converted by Stripe's rate? It depends. Generally, payouts in your primary currency are free. However, payouts in other currencies may incur an additional fee, usually 1%.

You can review the fee table here, adjusting it to your registration country. It might be more cost-effective to keep one currency on the account and allow Stripe to convert other currencies, rather than paying an additional 1% for payouts in that extra currency.

For some countries, such as those in the European Union, payouts in some alternative currencies (e.g., EUR, outside the national currency) are also free.


You can manage payouts in the same tab. If you set up a new account, Stripe payouts will initially be received on a 7-day schedule. However, after processing a sufficient number of transactions, this time will reduce to 3 days and then to 1 day. Additionally, you can adjust the payout speed, and after some time, the 3-day option and instant payouts on demand (with an additional fee) will be available to you.

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