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Descriptions in customer portal

Enhance user experience with descriptions in customer portal. Provide clear, helpful information for customer self-service.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

After purchase, your customers will be able to access your product through our customer portal. You can customize how it will display and what content buyers will see, as well as encourage them to make further purchases.

When setting up the checkout, simply go to the ‘After purchase’ section and then select ‘Customer portal,’ where you will see a preview of the portal view.

Easycart checkout configurator; After purchase tab with Customer portal view.

Next, in the ‘Content and files’ tab, you can edit:

  • Portal header - you can use it, for example, to thank the customer for their purchase.
  • Portal description - an ideal place to describe the details of product access, especially if it requires any additional actions from the customer.
  • Button text and link - you can display an additional button that, for example, redirects the customer to your website where they can see your other products.
Important! When creating the description in the customer portal, you can use markdown syntax.
Fields allowing to adjust content displayed on customer portal

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