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Product launch checklist

Ensure your Stripe account and Easycart product are properly configured with this comprehensive pre-launch checklist.

Last updated
September 14, 2024

Before launching your first product, make sure your Stripe account and Easycart product are properly configured.
Here's a quick checklist to consider:

Website (if you have one)

  • Purchase links are correctly integrated
  • Privacy policy and terms are available
  • Footer is properly configured
  • There is an About us section
  • Cookie notification is present (important if selling to EU countries)
These elements are often considered during payment operator verification, so it's worth having them in order. You can generate all these things in a few clicks using Easylegal and Easycookie.

Stripe account settings

If using Stripe Tax, email invoicing should still be disabled on Stripe. We will send your invoice and make it available in the Customer portal through Easycart communication.

Easycart settings

  • Account is connected to Stripe (otherwise, you can't publish the product)
  • Checkout is published and not in test mode
  • Links to privacy policy and terms are added in Checkout → Legal and refunds
  • The number of refund days is set in the same place (typically 14 days in the EU)
Not offering refunds? Set the return period to 0 days, but also ensure that in the Product → Price Variants menu, for each price in the Payment Form section, you assign the Additional Consent field. In its content, you might write something like: "I agree to the immediate commencement of the service/access to digital content and understand that this waives my right to withdraw from the contract."
  • If you sell a digital product to be attached by us, ensure it is added in Product → Basic settings, or for the appropriate price variant
  • If you provide products yourself, ensure that in After purchase → Customer notifications, Thank you page, Customer portal, you add clear instructions for the buyer on how to access the product
This is very important! Customers often contact us because they don't know how to access the purchased product. It must be very frustrating for them, so make sure you have this covered at every customer touchpoint.
  • If you want to use Analytics, add tracking codes in Add-ons → Analytics
  • We recommend enabling abandoned cart recovery in Add-ons → Checkout recovery
  • If you want to create a scenario that, for example, syncs purchases to Airtable or adds customers to a mailing list after purchase, use Automations
  • Ensure your information is filled in Store settings
  • Ensure you understand how invoices are issued in the Invoicing and taxes section

Good luck and high results! 🎉

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Migrating from other tools
After purchase
After purchase
Digital downloads
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Checkout recovery
Checkout recovery
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Discounts and upsells
Policies, GDPR, Taxes
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