Page title

Embed and share your pages

Share your offer page as a standalone site, or embed it to display it as part of your existing website.

Last updated
September 25, 2024

Once you're happy with how your storefront or pricing page looks, you can publish it by simply clicking Publish in the top menu. Then, you will be able to copy a link to your site or copy the embed code.

If you want to update your pages after publishing, simply make all the necessary changes and hit Publish. We will update all your shared and embedded pages automatically. Please note that without publishing your updated pages, the changes won't be visible on live versions.

Sharing link to your pages

We will host all the offer pages you create using Easyoffer. That means you can copy the link to your page and paste it anywhere you like—whether it's in your Instagram bio, a description under your YouTube video, or even as a link in your stories. Your storefront or pricing page will always be available to your customers. Simply copy the link when publishing your site, or go to the Share tab and copy the link from there.

Embedding your pages

You can also integrate the pages you created with Easyoffer with your exisiting sites. It works especially well with pricing pages - you no longer need to purchase additional plugins or use the help of developer to test how adjusting pricing details may affect your conversion.

To embed your offer pages on your site:

  1. Click Publish in the top menu.
  2. Or, click Share if you already published your page.
  3. Click Copy embed code.
  4. Paste your code to your website editor

And that's it! Your product page should now be visible as a section of your website. Anytime you make changes and publish your page again, we will automatically update it on your website as well.

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