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Boost community sales with Discord integration. Sell directly to your engaged audience on this popular platform.

Last updated
November 14, 2024

To run actions, first add Discord integration in Easycart, authorizing automation. Go to Automation -> Apps and click on +New App. Add details and click “Connect to Discord”, authorize server, and allow Easycart Bot to perform automations.

When the integration is successfully connected, you'll be informed with a special view. At this point, you can start creating automations with Discord. When offering subscription-based community access, you can add two automations: the first will add the client to the server, and the second will remove them when access expires.

When selling time-limited community access for a single purchase, simply fill in the "Remove access - after how many days" field in the price variant or Product -> Basic settings. This automation will run even for one-time payments, and users will lose access exactly after the time you set from purchase.

A popular business process is moving clients to a special group with access to a course, or after access expires (alumni). Add a third automation to assign the appropriate role when access expires.

Discord actions trigger based on product orders. Removal/role-revoking automations require the user to be previously added via server-add or role-assign automation.

When creating "Assign role" automation, clients not on the server are automatically added.

Creating roles in Discord is simple. Find roles in server settings by clicking your server name in the top-left corner.

Next, in server settings, find the "Roles" tab with a "Create role" button. Role creation has many options, but we're mainly interested in giving the role a distinctive name.

After creating roles, don't forget to save changes. The popup always appears at the bottom of the view.

Now create a new channel with the role, or assign roles to an existing channel.

When creating a channel, the role option is on the second screen of the "Create channel" view.

To add roles to an existing channel, click "Edit channel". In the "Permissions" tab, you can edit roles.

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